Custom steel staircases and metal balusters for hotels and luxury homes - Balaustre acciaio inox e vetro su misura arredi per esterni ville resort hotel
Custom steel staircases and metal balusters for hotels and luxury homes - Balaustre acciaio inox e vetro su misura arredi per esterni ville resort hotel
Balaustre acciaio inox e vetro su misura arredi per esterni ville resort hotel
Balaustre acciaio inox e vetro su misura arredi per esterni ville resort hotel
Balaustre acciaio inox e vetro su misura arredi per esterni ville resort hotel
Custom steel staircases and metal balusters for hotels and luxury homes - Balaustre acciaio inox e vetro su misura arredi per esterni ville resort hotel

Best Western

The indoor portfolio includes custom steel staircases, steel-glass railings, and steel and glass balustrades. For hotel furnishings and luxury residences, Lamberti Design introduces the job done for the Best Western Hotel Ferrari in the province of Caserta. The entrance to the hotel includes an outdoor lounge area outlined by a balustrade of stainless steel pillars in satin finish, and laminated and tempered glass. Also featured is a handrail in satin stainless steel plate with central pillars and endings in satin finish stainless steel. After inspecting the job site, all the steel furnishing elements were engineered, produced, carefully packed, and then transported to job site and installed.




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